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Locations in the care of the association


Since 2010, the association has focused on long-term care for localities with the occurrence of passerines, later localities that are home to other specially protected species of plants and animals were added.

  These are small localities without formal protection, but having a high natural and landscape value or at least potential, as well as small protected areas up to a part of the national nature reserve. Most localities are located on the border of the South Moravian Region and the Vysočina Region and are of a steppe character. 


(k. ú. Lhánice)

The registered important landscape element Doubek is located in the cadastral area of Lhánice, about 1 km west of the village center. The locality has the character of an island of woody plants with steppe fallow in the middle of agriculturally farmed areas. The terrain here is undulating and rocky. After the extraction of aggregates, a number of deep depressions and unevenness remained at the site. Approximately half of the area is occupied in places by a loose mixed grove with a predominance of forest pine and winter oak. On the perimeter and especially in the western and southern part of the territory there is a grassy ice. The site represents the habitat of several specially protected species of plants and animals, which are also included in the Red Lists. These are, in particular, the large-flowered passerine (Pulsatilla grandis), the Czech buttercup (Gagea bohemica), the white-tailed deer (Dictamnus albus), and the crested muscari (Muscari comosum). Among the rarer animals, for example, the green lizard (Lacerta viridis) and the praying mantis (Mantis religiosa) occur in the locality. Regular care carried out by the association in cooperation with the municipality of Lhánice consists in the gradual mowing of herbaceous vegetation. When mowing, individual flowering herbs or smaller areas with flowering vegetation are always left in places. Occasionally there is a sensitive cutting or pruning of woody plants in order to preserve the desired character of the site and sufficient sun exposure of areas with valuable vegetation. We built several stone walls for reptiles on the site and placed two smaller natural benches. Every year, we also remove discovered historical and recent municipal waste.


(cadastral district Slavětice)

The Hájky locality is located in the Slavětice cadastral district, about 1.5 km southeast of the village center. It is a wide border with steppe frost above the Olešná stream. About 200 m north of the locality there is another smaller naturally valuable limit under the forest. Both places are habitats of important plant subxerothermophytes, especially Gagea bohemica, Pulsatilla grandis and Muscari comosum. There are also a number of invertebrate species, such as the mantis (Mantis religiosa). Regular care carried out by the association in cooperation with the municipality of Slavětice consists in mowing the herbaceous vegetation while leaving flowering herbs or smaller areas with flowering vegetation. Occasionally there is a sensitive pruning of woody plants in order to perform mowing + cleaning of the fallen wood mass. We built a stone wall on the site and placed several landfills for reptiles. Above the northern smaller border, we installed a box for the crested hoopoe (Upupa epops).


Locations above Rouchovanka
(cadastral district Rouchovany)

The site is located in the cadastral area of Rouchovany about 1 km and 1.5 km west of the village center. It is steeper, sometimes rocky, slopes with steppe vegetation located in the valley of the river Rouchovanka. All localities are habitats of important plant subxerothermophytes, especially Gagea bohemica, Pulsatilla grandis and Muscari comosum. There are also a number of species of invertebrates, such as the mantis (Mantis religiosa) or the locust (Calliptamus italicus). Regular care carried out by the association in cooperation with the municipality of Rouchovany consists in mowing the grassland with leaves of flowering herbs or smaller areas with flowering vegetation, especially on rocky parts. Occasionally there is a sensitive pruning of woody plants in order to perform mowing + cleaning of the fallen wood mass. At the location closest to the village, we built a smaller stone landfill for reptiles on the slope.


Červené hlíny
(cadastral area Heřmanice
u Rouchovan)

The locality is located in the cadastral area Heřmanice u Rouchovan about 2.5 km east of the center of the village Rouchovany. It is a habitat of narrow-leaved dry grasslands with the occurrence of involved woody stands, including a beautiful solitary oak. A number of important plant subxerothermophytes have been recorded at the site. These include, for example, Pulsatilla grandis, Carex humilis, Saxifraga bulbifera, Rosa gallica, Seseli annuum, Cotoneaster integerrimus and Cotoneaster integerrimus. Chamaecytisus ratisbonensis). Although the occurrence of some of them has not been confirmed recently, it is possible that they will be found again after the implementation of the necessary interventions and the setting of appropriate care. The measures implemented by the association in cooperation with the owner consist in mowing the grassland while leaving flowering herbs or smaller flowered areas and removing dry pines. The site also cleans the fallen wood, sensitive shrub cutting and pruning in order to restore and preserve the desired character of the site, especially sufficient sun exposure of areas with valuable vegetation.


(cadastral district Dukovany)


The location is located in the cadastral area of Dukovany, directly in the village. It is a small hill (elevation 351) with an uncovered rock after the extraction of aggregates. The locality has the character of scattered tree stands (with several nice young solitaires) permeated by a more or less preserved steppe fallow. It is a habitat of several important plant subxerothermophytes, especially the large-flowered passerine (Pulsatilla grandis) and the crested grapevine (Muscari comosum). There are also many species of invertebrates. The care carried out by the association in cooperation with the municipality of Dukovany consists in mowing the herbaceous vegetation while leaving flowering herbs or smaller flowered areas. Sensitive cutting of shrubs and pruning of woody plants is also carried out at the site in order to restore and preserve the desired character of the site, especially sufficient sun exposure of areas with valuable vegetation and release of valuable solitaires. We also remove small municipal waste and recurring landfills from the site. We plan to place an information panel with a natural bench in cooperation with the municipality and to build a stone wall for lizards in a suitable place.

Article about the locality in the Dukovany newsletter 02/2017 here.


(cadastral district Jamolice)


The natural monument, which is part of the Jihlava Valley Valley, which is of European protected location, is located in the Jamolice cadastral area, about 1.5 km north of the village center. The location is located on a large plateau above the right bank of the river Jihlava. The subject of protection here are narrow-leaved dry grasslands and valuable species of organisms attached to them. However, part of the locality has rather the character of involved forest stands. The local biodiversity is very high and includes a number of rare and protected species of plants and animals. Of the insects, two species of butterflies are protected - the comfrey (Euplagia quadripunctaria) and the gentian blue (Maculinea alcon). The care carried out by the association in cooperation with the owners, the municipality of Jamolice and the South Moravian Region includes mosaic mowing of grasslands, mowing and plucking of bush cane, hammering, removal of turf, cleaning of old wood, cutting of unwanted trees and felling of dry pines. In some places, however, we try to keep tall stumps, torsos or whole individuals for the needs of saproxylic insects). At the site, we implemented a smaller project to support gentian blue (Maculinea alcon) as part of the ČSOP Biodiversity program. We also remove old waste here, often from the time of military use of the site (eg old tires or barbed wire). We also installed a crested hoopoe booth (Upupa epops) at the site.

Infolet about the site

An article in the Jamolice newsletter

Projects on site



(cadastral office Mohelno)

Location Fiola is located in the cadastral area Mohelno about 2 km southeast of the village center. The most valuable part is the rocky promontory and the immediately adjacent slopes with protruding rocks. Gagea bohemica, Pulsatilla pratensis subsp. Bohemica, Pulsatilla grandis, Aspusium cuneifolium, Cornus mas, Campanulaoni Saxifraga bulbifera, Inula oculus-christi, Cardaminopsis petraea, Stipa pennata and other valuable plant species. Among the animals, the locust (Calliptamus italicus), the green lizard (Lacerta viridis), the common lizard (Lacerta agilis) or the smooth snake (Coronella austriaca). The care carried out by the association in cooperation with the town of Mohelno consists in the reduction of shrubs and sensitive pruning of woody plants in order to preserve the desired sunny character of the locality and free up some areas overgrown with woody plants.

Projects on site


Louka a mez v Cenklově
(cadastral office Mohelno)

The Louka and Meze locality in Cenklov is located in the Mohelno cadastral district, about 1.2 km west of the village center. It consists of a degraded oat meadow and two north-facing borders with involved tree stands. There are a number of large and valuable individuals, as well as old crumbling fruit trees. The area belongs to the territorial system of ecological stability, it represents a potential naturally valuable locality, which is or can be a suitable habitat of many endangered species. Interesting species include Muscari comosum, Lacerta agilis, Coronella austriaca and Anguis fragilis. Care here began in 2021 in cooperation with the owner and the town of Mohelno. It consists in the gradual restoration of the desired character of the degraded herbaceous vegetation, mosaic mowing and reduction of tree species. To increase biodiversity, we plan to gradually build a stone wall for reptiles, reptiles and plant several pieces of high-stemmed old varieties of fruit trees.

Projects on site


Mohelenská hadcová step
(cadastral office Mohelno)

The Mohelno snake steppe, which is part of the Jihlava Valley Valley of European importance, is located south of the urban area of the town of Mohelno. A substantial part of it has the status of a national nature reserve. The subject of the protection of the specially protected area are the communities of narrow-leaved dry grasslands and sub-Pannonian rock grasslands; natural forest stands formed mainly by communities of rubble forests and serpentine thermophilic oak groves; crevice vegetation of rocks and drolin and rock vegetation with gray fescue; populations of the rare and endangered species of Notholaena marantae, including its habitat; populations of rare and endangered species of ground squirrel (Spermophilus citellus) and comfrey (Euplagia quadripunctaria), including their habitats. The local biodiversity is extremely high and includes a number of rare and protected species of plants and animals. The association participates in providing care not only for areas located in the protected area, but also in its adjacent surroundings. The implementation of the interventions takes place in cooperation with the town of Mohelno and the Agency for Nature and Landscape Protection of the Czech Republic, a regional office of the Žďárské vrchy Protected Landscape Area Administration. Thanks to the helpfulness of both of the above entities, we were able to implement several smaller projects at the site supported under the CSOP Biodiversity program aimed at preserving and restoring the habitat of the snake subspecies and endangered insect species. The performed interventions include mosaic mowing of grasslands, mowing and uprooting of shrub cane and raised oats, liquidation of invasive species, cleaning of old wood mass, cutting of unwanted woody plants and felling of dry pines. We also continuously collect small municipal waste in the area. We also installed a crested hoopoe booth (Upupa epops) at the site. CEZ employees from NPP Dukovany regularly help us with our activities here during volunteer days.

Projects on site



(cadastral office Mohelno)

Location Pahorek is located in the cadastral area Mohelno about 2 km southwest of the village center. It consists of a low hill protruding visibly above ground level (approx. 2 m). The most valuable areas are in the central and southeastern part of the site, a small part of the site is overgrown with shrubs. The locality represents the habitat of a number of important subxerothermophytes, ie especially the Czech warbler (Gagea bohemica), the black-tailed passerine (Pulsatilla pratensis subsp. Nigricans), the forest-steppe shingles (Nepeta nuda) and the crested muscari (Muscari comosum). The mantis (Mantis religiosa), the smooth snake (Coronella austriaca) and the crested hoopoe (Upupa epops) are also repeatedly observed in the locality. Regular care carried out by the association in cooperation with the owner consists in the gradual mowing of the grassland. When mowing, individual flowering herbs and areas with flowering vegetation are always left in places. Occasionally there is a sensitive pruning of woody plants in order to maintain the desired character of the site. To increase biodiversity, we laid several larger stones at the site, built a stone wall for reptiles and planted maple bricks and mice. Since 2021, we have been expanding the care of the part between the hill and the field road, where we plan to plant several pieces of high-stemmed old cherry varieties.

Projects on site


Pod Hajky I
(cadastral district Horní Dubňany)

Location Pod Hájky I is located in the cadastral district of Horní Dubňany, about 1.5 km northeast of the village center. It has the character of a steppe ice with islets of bushes on a slope with a southern orientation, which is undulating and rocky - it is a former military training ground. The locality is the habitat of several important plant subxerothermophytes, which include the large-flowered passerine (Pulsatilla grandis), the Czech warbler (Gagea bohemica) and the crested muscari (Muscari comosum). The mantis (Mantis religiosa), the common lizard (Lacerta agilis) and the smooth snake (Coronella austriaca) are also repeatedly observed at the site. Regular care carried out by the association in cooperation with the owner consists in the gradual mowing of the grassland. When mowing, individual flowering herbs and areas with flowering vegetation are always left in places. Occasionally there is a sensitive reduction of shrubs in order to maintain the desired character of the site. To increase biodiversity, we built stone landfills and reptile walls at the site. In 2021, we plan to plant several pieces of high-stemmed old cherry varieties here.

Projects on site


Pod Hajky II
(cadastral district Horní Dubňany)

Location Pod Hájky II is located in the cadastral district of Horní Dubňany, about 1.6 km northeast of the village center. My character has the character of a steeper stony slope with a southern orientation. Electrical pipelines pass through part of the site. The locality is the habitat of several important plant subxerothermophytes, which include the large-flowered passerine (Pulsatilla grandis), the Czech warbler (Gagea bohemica) and the crested muscari (Muscari comosum). The mantis (Mantis religiosa) and the common lizard (Lacerta agilis) are also repeatedly observed at the site. Regular care carried out by the association in cooperation with the owner consists in the gradual mowing of the grassland. When mowing, individual flowering herbs and areas with flowering vegetation are always left in places. Occasionally there is a sensitive cut of shrubs in order to maintain the desired character of the site. The continuous growth of the invasive blackthorn acacia overgrowing the southern part of the area was removed in 2020. Interventions consisting in the elimination of acacia in the northern part of the site, we started in 2021 after its redemption.

Projects on site


Políčka nad papírnou
(cadastral office Mohelno)

Location Políčka nad Papírnou is located in the cadastral area Mohelno about 1.2 km south of the village center. It is located in the immediate vicinity of the Mohelenská hadcová steppe NPR. It is a set of permanent grassland, borders, forests and ancient entrance roads. The locality represents the habitat of a number of important and valuable species, which include, for example, the purple orchid (Orchis purpurea), the Aster amellus, the Dorycnium germanicum, the Asplenium cuneifolium, the Senecio erucifolius, Regensella (Chamaecytisus ratisbonensis), Biscutella laevigata subsp. varia. The mantis (Mantis religiosa), the smooth snake (Coronella austriaca) and the green lizard (Lacerta viridis) are also repeatedly observed at the site. Regular care carried out by the association consists in the gradual mowing of herbaceous vegetation aimed at the suppression of undesirable or invasive species (shrub reed, goldenrod). Occasionally there is a cutting and sensitive pruning of woody plants in order to preserve the desired character of the site and illuminate some areas overgrown with woody plants. We plan to gradually build an extensive stone wall for reptiles, reptiles and plant high-stem fruit trees at the site.

Projects on site


Slopes above Mohelský mill
(cadastral office Mohelno)

Location Svahy nad Mohelským mlýnem is located in the cadastral area of Mohelno, about 1 km south of the village center. It consists of south-facing steep left-bank slopes in the valley of the river Jihlava with valuable steppe vegetation on a serpentine base. Some areas are naturally completely comparable with the subsequent NPR Mohelenská hadcová steppe, but the locality is endangered by the rapid overgrowth of blackthorn acacia. Important plant species include Stipa tirsa, Asplenium cuneifolium, Dorycnium germanicum, Berberis vulgaris, Carex humilis and Juniperus communis. Examples of diurnal butterflies include Iphiclides podalirius, Papilio machaon, Scolitantides orion, Hamearis lucina, Boloria euphrosyne, and Pyracus mocha Leptidea sinapis). Of the other animal species, the green lizard (Lacerta viridis) in particular. The care carried out by the association consists in the removal of dry and partially uprooted pines, the gradual reduction of shrubs in order to restore the desirable open character of the locality with loose tree stands and the gradual targeted elimination of invasive acacia thorn.

Projects on site


(cadastral office Mohelno)

The Štenkrava locality is located in the Mohelno cadastral district, about 1.8 km northeast of the village center. It consists of an artificial hill next to the road leading from Mohelno to Senorad. Although it is an area of reclaimed landfill, it is a locality with significant potential in terms of supporting biodiversity. The site is part of the local territorial system of ecological stability. Filago arvensis, Prunella vulgaris and Saxifraga bulbifera grow on the site. There is a mantis (Mantis religiosa), a quail (Coturnix coturnix), a common lizard (Lacerta agilis) and a smooth snake (Coronella austriaca). The observation of the Crested Hoopoe (Upupa epops) comes from the surroundings. The care carried out by the association in cooperation with the town of Mohelno consists of mosaic mowing, suppression of unwanted shrub cane and slight reduction of shrubs in order to maintain the permeability of overgrown parts of the site. We built several stone dumps on the site and installed a booth for the Crested Hoopoe (Upupa epops). To increase biodiversity, we plan to gradually build stone walls for reptiles, reptiles and to increase biodiversity to plant the missing species of shrubs.

Projects on site


Velký kopec
(cadastral district Horní Dubňany)

A site of European importance and a future natural monument is located in the cadastral district of Horní Dubňany, less than 1 km northwest of the village center. The locality is located on the slopes of Velký kopec (392 m above sea level), in the top part of which there is a fenced area of the reservoir and a mast of the GSM network. The subject of protection here are acidophilic dry grasslands with the occurrence of the large-flowered passerine (Pulsatilla grandis) and the cuckoo orchid (Orchis morio). The local biodiversity is very high and includes a number of other rare and protected species of plants and animals. These are, for example, Gagea bohemica, Muscari comosum and Potentilla arenaria. Among the animals, there are, for example, the mantis (Mantis religiosa), the field quail (Coturnix coturnix), the common lizard (Lacerta agilis) and the smooth snake (Coronella austriaca). Many endangered bird species come from the surrounding area. The care carried out by the association in cooperation with the municipality of Horní Dubňany and the South Moravian Region includes mosaic mowing of grasslands, mowing of bush reeds and spring villages and the liquidation of invasive species. We also continuously remove old municipal waste here.

Projects on site



Ve Žlebě
(cadastral district Dolní Dubňany)

A site of European importance and a natural monument is located in the cadastral district of Dolní Dubňany, about 1.5 km northwest of the village center. The site has the character of a long, wide and steep west-oriented border with numerous remnants of aggregate mining. The subject of protection here are narrow-leaved dry grasslands with the occurrence of Pulsatilla grandis, Pulsatilla pratensis, Gagea bohemica and other important and rare species of plants and animals, including specially protected ones. The populations of the large-flowered passerine and the meadow passerine are relatively large and regionally important. In addition to the above, there are other important plant species such as Muscari (Muscari comosum) or Iris pumila. The care carried out by the association in cooperation with the owners, the municipality of Dolní Dubňany and the South Moravian Region includes gradual mosaic mowing of grasslands, cleaning of old wood mass, pruning of woody plants and sensitive cuttings of unwanted woody plants. We also built a stone wall and several smaller stone landfills for reptiles on the site and installed a box for the crested hoopoe (Upupa epops).



Zhořská mokřina
(cadastral district Zálesná Zhoř)

Zhořská mokřina (cadastral area Zálesná Zhoř) The natural monument is located in the cadastral area Zálesná Zhoř about 300 m north of the village center. The locality consists of two narrow valley floodplains, which connect at the confluence of two branches of the Bílá voda stream. The subject of protection here are the remnants of semi-natural moist to wet meadows with a rich population of Dactylorhiza majalis. There are also other rare species of plants, such as small-flowered willow (Epilobium parviflorum) or brook trout (Senecio rivularis) and many valuable insect species. The care carried out by the association in cooperation with the owners and the South Moravian Region includes mosaic mowing of waterlogged grasslands, cleaning of old wood mass and pruning of woody plants.



Skalka near Boňov
(K. ú. Boňov)

The location Skalka near Boňov is located about 650 m southeast of the center of the Boňov settlement. The site represents a biotope of acidophilic lawns of shallow soils. The occurrence of several more important plant subxerothermophytes listed in the Red List was recorded on the site - e.g.Muscari comosum), large-flowered cornflower (Pulsatilla grandis), from the fauna, for example, the smooth snake (Coronella austriaca), praying mantis (Mantis religiosa), Scheidler's ground beetle (Carabus scheidleri) and more. The care of the association consists primarily in the gradual suppression and removal of invasive reeds in the bush by means of regular mowing, waste removal and, over time, the construction of a dry-stacked stone wall is also expected.


(K.ú. Alexovice)

The natural monument Pekárka is located on the eastern edge of Ivančice. The location consists of rounded conglomerate rock formations lining the Jihlava river valley. In addition to beautiful views of the valley, the location also offers many interesting things from a botanical and zoological point of view - it is home to the endemic Moravian starfish (Dianthus moravicus), like many other rare and endangered plants and animals - rock cress (Arabidopsis petraea), the whole-leaved elderberry (Tephroseris integrifolia), large-flowered coneflower (Pulsatilla grandis) etc. Among the animals found here isBrintesia circe), praying mantis (Mantis religiosa), a number of ground beetles and also a smooth snake (Coronella austriaca). It is located on the siteatonement stone from the 16th or 17th century.

The care carried out by the association in cooperation with the owners and the South Moravian Region includes mosaic mowing of the upper parts with steppe vegetation and suppression of the invasive acacia thorn from the most valuable parts.


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